Glowing Bottles

Glowing bottles On a Concrete Stand


Have you ever thought that it's a shame to throw away those beautiful bottles? I was fascinated by the idea of cutting them open and turning them into lights that are still good for something. These bottles are upcycled lights.

What It Takes

I bought a glass bottle cutter kit from Amazon. Very simple. One scratches the outer glass and creates thermic tension by applying alternating hot and cold water to that scratch. After many applications of the water, the glass bottle cracks open, hopefully along the scratch. It's possible to restore the bottle edge from minor other cracks but sometimes the bottle just becomes useless when the cut is not very straight.
With components from the DIY market, it's relatively easy to create the basic wiring of a lamp: a socket, an LED bulb, a flexible cable for this kind of application (220V, AC, home device), and a connector.

I was shocked at how cheap concrete from the DIY market is. The most challenging part is to create a mold for the concrete that also covers the light's socket straight up. Grinding the concrete is possible, but I like it more when it remains smooth, as with the mold.

Is It A Nice Gift?

I created a few bottles this way: First, I let my friends get me their favorite glass bottles. After some time, I returned the bottles, now turned into a light on a concrete stand.